Thursday, May 17, 2018

New East Midlands Business Advisory Group Focuses on HS2 Benefits

A longtime organizational administrator who presently serves as the United States Navy’s chief of naval personnel, Patrick O’Connell previously held interim leadership responsibilities with High Speed Rail 2, Ltd. (HS2). Patrick O’Connell guided strategy and program development for an ambitious HS2 high speed rail network that will connect London with the Midlands and Northern England.

With the $85 billion project progressing year-by-year, members of the regional business community are beginning to invest significant effort into planning for expected economic growth. Recently, the business advisory group of HS2 (Geldards) and the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce partnered to create a new business advisory group that will coordinate activities region wide. 

The projected gains are substantial, once HS2 trains begin operation in 2032, they are expected to generate nearly $5.5 billion in additional economic activity. The aim of the new group is to find strategic pathways toward maximizing these gains and providing East Midlands residents with greater opportunities as a result. In addition to developing new infrastructure that attracts high value companies, the plan involves regenerating local industries as well.